The main research interests of the Medical Mycology Research Group are: (1) evaluation of novel antimicrobial and antiseptic substances, (2) understanding the molecular mechanisms of antifungal resistances and involved cellular pathways, (3) development and evaluation of diagnostic tests for the detection and identification of fungal pathogens, (4) clinical applied and clinical studies for the evaluation of antifungal agents and (5) establishment of alternative animal models to study the interaction of human pathogenic fungi with host cells and to evaluate treatment response.
Our long-term aim is to contribute to the development of new strategies in diagnosis, therapy, and prevention of invasive fungal infections.
Ulrike BINDERPD Mag.Dr.rer.nat. PhD |
Michaela LACKNERUniv.-Prof. Mag.Dr.rer.nat., FECMM |
Cornelia LASS-FLÖRLUniv.-Prof.,
Günter RAMBACHMag.Dr.rer.nat. |
Cornelia SPETHAo. Univ-Prof. Mag.Dr.rer.nat |
Stephanie TÖPFERMSc PhD |
Pilze, Pilzforschung und Mykologie an der Medizinischen Universität Innsbruck