



Logos Hygiene DE


Reinhard Wuerzner

Reinhard Würzner logo-orcid
Ao. Univ.-Prof. PhD

email: (active until 30.09.2026)

Retired since 1 October 2024

Biographical sketch


1978 Abitur, Gymnasium Hochdahl, Erkrath, DE
1979-1986 University studies of Human Medicine
1979-1982 University of Marburg (DE)
1980           Rutgers University New Brunswick (NJ, US)
1981-1982 University of Vienna (AT)
1982-1984 University of Heidelberg (DE)
1984           University of Cambridge (UK)
1984-1986 University of Göttingen (DE)
1986 Approbation as Doctor of Medicine, University of Göttingen, DE
1986 Doctor of Medicine, MD, University of Heidelberg, DE
1990-1993 University studies of Molecular Pathology at Clare Hall College, University of Cambridge (UK)
1991 Medical Specialist in Laboratory Medicine (Physicians Chamber Hannover)
1993 Doctor of Philosophy, PhD, University of Cambridge, UK
1997 Medical Specialist in Hyg. & Med. Microbiol. (Physicians Chamber Innsbruck)
1997 Habilitation in Hygiene and Medical Microbiology

Career History

1986-1993 Post doctoral experiences at
Department of Immunology, University of Göttingen (1986-1990),
MRC Immunochemistry Unit, University of Oxford (1990),
MRC Molecular Immunopathology Unit, University of Cambridge (1990-1993)


University assistent (1993-1997) and Associate University Professor (1997-2024) at the
Institute of Hygiene & Med. Microbiology (formerly Division of Hygiene & Med. Microbiology and Inst. for Hygiene) at the Department of Hygiene, Microbiology and Public Health (formerly ... and Social Medicine), Med. Univ. of Innsbruck (MUI, formerly Innsbruck Med. University and Univ. of Innsbruck):
- Head of Diagnostic Section Virology/Serology (1998-2009)
- Head of Diagnostic Section Bacteriology (2004-2009) 
- "Geschäftsführender Oberarzt" of the Department (2004-2009)
- Deputy Head of Institute/Division (2004-2014/2019-2024)

Major Research Projects

P 12551 FWF Stand alone
Innate immunity in Candida infections

FWF 1997-1999

P 13183 FWF Stand alone
Mol. characterization of Candida-HIV protein

FWF 1998-2001

P 17043 FWF Stand alone
Fungal complement factor H receptor

FWF 2004-2008

EU network of excellence (Europathogenomics)

EU 2005-2010

Doctoral programme HOROS (W1253)
Host Response in Opportunistic infections
1st & 2nd funding period – Speaker

FWF, Med. Univ.
Land of Tyrol

European Joint Doctoral programme
CORVOS (86044)
Complement Regulation and Variations in
Opportunistic infections (Marie
Sklodowska Curie action) - Speaker

EU-Horizon 2020
Med. Univ.
Land of Tyrol


pfeil-klein.jpg Austrian Microbiology Prize 1998 (Würzner, Gruber, Lukasser-Vogl, Dierich)
pfeil-klein.jpg Austrian Nephrology Prize 1998 (Lhotta, Würzner, Kronenberg, König)
pfeil-klein.jpg Meteka Hospital Hygiene Prize 2001 (Lass-Flörl, ..., Würzner, Dierich)
pfeil-klein.jpg Int. Candida Research Prize 2000 (Würzner)
pfeil-klein.jpg Austrian Immunology Research Prize (Herndler-Brandstetter, …, Würzner, Grubeck-Loebenstein)
pfeil-klein.jpg German Mycology Research Prize 2008 (Vogl, Lesiak, …, Würzner)

Research Interest

Complement: activation, inhibition, terminal pathway, deficiencies, polymorphisms, monoclonal antibodies; Candida albicans: 'molecular mimicry', integrin-analogue, complement receptors, adhesion, secreted aspartic proteases, complement evasion; EHEC: virulence factors, influence of complement, HUS


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Other activities

Offices, Editorships

pfeil-klein.jpg Co-Editor (1992-1996), Associate & Section-Editor Complement (1996-2001) of 'Experimental & Clinical Immunogenetics'
pfeil-klein.jpg Associate Editor of ‘Intern. Archives of Allergy & Immunology’ (2002-2006)
pfeil-klein.jpg General Secretary of the European Complement Network (ECN, 1997-2003)
pfeil-klein.jpg President of the Austrian Society for Medical Mycology (ÖGMM 2001-2006, 2020-2022)
pfeil-klein.jpg Speaker of the “Infection, Immunity & Transplantation” module (formerly "Infectious Disease") of the MUI-Ph.D.-Programmes (2002-2023)
pfeil-klein.jpg Secretary of the Section "Eukaryotic pathogens" of the German Society for Hygiene and Microbiology (DGHM, 2003-2009)
pfeil-klein.jpg Head of the Austrian Reference Laboratories for EHEC (2003-2009)
pfeil-klein.jpg Coordinating General Secretary for all Research Sections of the German Society for Hygiene and Microbiology (DGHM, 2004-2009)
pfeil-klein.jpg Deputy Head and Secretary of the Section "Zoonosis" of the German Society for Hygiene and Microbiology (DGHM, 2012-2022)
pfeil-klein.jpg Speaker of FWF-funded Intern. Doctoral Programme HOROS (2014-2023)
pfeil-klein.jpg Director of PhD Studies at Med. Univ. Innsbruck (2016-2023)
pfeil-klein.jpg President of the European Complement Network (ECN, 2017-2022)
pfeil-klein.jpg Coordinator of EU-funded Intern. Doctoral Programme CORVOS (2019-2024)

Organisation of congresses

pfeil-klein.jpg Member of the Organizing Committee for the XIV International Complement Workshop, Cambridge, 1991
pfeil-klein.jpg General Secretary of the Organizing Committee for the 6th European Meeting on Complement in Human Disease, Innsbruck, 1997
pfeil-klein.jpg General Secretary of the Organizing Committee for Immunology2001 - 17th DGfI Spring meeting, Innsbruck, 2001
pfeil-klein.jpg General Secretary of the Organizing Committee for the DGHM Statusworkshop "Eukaryotic Pathogens", Innsbruck, 2004
pfeil-klein.jpg General Secretary of the Organizing Committee for TIT2005 – 1st Annual Tyrolean vaccination day, Innsbruck, 2005
pfeil-klein.jpg General Secretary of the Organizing Committee for MYK2006 – 40th Annual Meeting of the DMykG and the ÖGMM, Innsbruck, 2006
pfeil-klein.jpg General Secretary of the Organizing Committee for TIT2007 – 2nd Annual Tyrolean vaccination day, Innsbruck, 2007
pfeil-klein.jpg Member of the Organizing Committees for the 59th, 60th, 61st, and 62nd Annual Meetings of the German Society for Hygiene and Microbiology (DGHM), Göttingen, Dresden, Göttingen, Hannover, 2007-2010
pfeil-klein.jpg General Secretary of the Organizing Committee for TIT2008 – 3rd Annual Tyrolean vaccination day, Innsbruck, 2008
pfeil-klein.jpg General Secretary of the Organizing Committee for TIT2009 – 4th Annual Tyrolean vaccination day, Innsbruck, 2009
pfeil-klein.jpg General Secretary of the Organizing Committee for TIT2010 – 5th Annual Tyrolean vaccination day, Innsbruck, 2010
pfeil-klein.jpg General Secretary of the Organizing Committee for HUS2010 – 2nd International conference on HUS & related disorders, Innsbruck, 2010
pfeil-klein.jpg Member of the Organizing Committee for MYK2010 - 44th Annual Meeting of the DMykG and the ÖGMM, Vienna, 2010
pfeil-klein.jpg General Secretary of the Organizing Committee for TIT2011 – 6th Annual Tyrolean vaccination day, Innsbruck, 2011
pfeil-klein.jpg General Secretary of the Organizing Committee for HUS2011 – 3rd International conference on HUS & related disorders, Innsbruck, 2011
pfeil-klein.jpg General Secretary of the Organizing Committee for TIT2012 – 7th Annual Tyrolean vaccination day, Innsbruck, 2012
pfeil-klein.jpg Member of the Organizing committee & Scientific Chair for VTEC2012 - 8th Intern. Meeting on Verocytotoxin producing E. coli, Amsterdam, 2012
pfeil-klein.jpg General Secretary of the Organizing Committee for TIT2013 – 8th Annual Tyrolean vaccination day, Innsbruck, 2013
pfeil-klein.jpg General Secretary of the Organizing Committee for HUS2013 – 4th International conference on HUS & related disorders, Innsbruck, 2013
pfeil-klein.jpg General Secretary of the Organizing Committee for TIT2014 – 9th Annual Tyrolean vaccination day, Innsbruck, 2014
pfeil-klein.jpg Deputy General Secretary of the Organising Committee for MYK 2014 - 48th Annual Meeting of the DMykG and the ÖGMM, Salzburg, 2014
pfeil-klein.jpg General Secretary of the Organizing Committee for TIT2015 – 10th Annual Tyrolean vaccination day, Innsbruck, 2015
pfeil-klein.jpg General Secretary of the Organizing Committee for HUS2015 – 5th International conference on HUS & related disorders, Igls, 2015
pfeil-klein.jpg General Secretary of the Organizing Committee for TIT2016 – 11th Annual Tyrolean vaccination day, Innsbruck, 2016
pfeil-klein.jpg Member of the Organizing Committee for ÖGAI2016 – Annual Meeting of Austrian Society of Immunology & Allergology, 2016
pfeil-klein.jpg General Secretary of the Organizing Committee for TIT2017 – 12th Annual Tyrolean vaccination day, Innsbruck, 2017
pfeil-klein.jpg General Secretary of the Organizing Committee for HUS2017 – 6th International conference on HUS & related disorders, Igls, 2017
pfeil-klein.jpg General Secretary of the Organizing Committee for TIT2018 – 13th Annual Tyrolean vaccination day, Innsbruck, 2018
pfeil-klein.jpg General Secretary of the Organizing Committee for MYK2018 - 52nd Annual Meeting of the DMykG and the ÖGMM, Innsbruck, 2018
pfeil-klein.jpg General Secretary of the Organizing Committee for TIT2019 – 14th Annual Tyrolean vaccination day, Innsbruck, 2019
pfeil-klein.jpg General Secretary of the Organizing Committee for the DGHM Statusworkshop "Eukaryotic Pathogens", Innsbruck, 2020
pfeil-klein.jpg General Secretary of the Organizing Committee for TIT2020 – 15th Annual Tyrolean vaccination day, Innsbruck, 2020
pfeil-klein.jpg General Secretary of the Organizing Committee for TIT2021 – 16th Annual Tyrolean vaccination day, Innsbruck, 2021
pfeil-klein.jpg General Secretary of the Organizing Committee for TIT2022 – 17th Annual Tyrolean vaccination day, Innsbruck, 2022
pfeil-klein.jpg Member of the Organizing Committee for MYK2022 - 56th Annual Meeting of the DMykG and the ÖGMM, Vienna, 2022
pfeil-klein.jpg General Secretary of the Organizing Committee for TIT2023 – 18th Annual Tyrolean vaccination day, Innsbruck, 2023
pfeil-klein.jpg General Secretary of the Organizing Committee for HUS2023 – 7th International conference on HUS & related disorders, Innsbruck, 2023
pfeil-klein.jpg General Secretary of the Organizing Committee for TIT2024 – 19th Annual Tyrolean vaccination day, Innsbruck, 2024

