



Logos Hygiene DE


Doris Wilflingseder

Doris WILFLINGSEDER logo-orcid
Univ.-Prof. Mag.Dr.rer.nat.


Biographical sketch

Zoology studies at the Leopold-Franzens-University, Innsbruck, Austria – Master and PhD in Zoology/Immunology/Cell Biology – Signal transduction – Antigen-presenting cells – Pathogens – Alternatives to animal experimentation

Current Position

University Professor of Infection Biology


2000 PhD in Zoology (Cell Biology, Immunobiology), Leopold-Franzens-University of Innsbruck, Austria
1997         Master in Zoology, Leopold-Franzens-University of Innsbruck, Austria
1989 Matura, Bundesgymnasium Sillgasse, Innsbruck, Austria

Career History

since 2020 University Professor and Deputy Director, Institute of Hygiene and Medical Microbiology,
Medical University of Innsbruck
2012 - 2020 Associate Professor and Deputy Director, Institute of Hygiene and Medical Microbiology, Medical University of Innsbruck
2009 - 2012 Groupleader, Institute of Hygiene and Medcial Microbiology,
Medical University of Innsbruck
2009 Habilitation (venia docendi) in Immunology
2008-2009 Visiting scientist at University College London, Division of Infection and Immunity, collaboration with Prof. Paul Kellam, London, UK
2001-2008 Research Assistant, Division of Hygiene and Medical Microbiology, Innsbruck Medical University


P 18960 FWF Stand alone
Complement vs. IgG: HIV opsonisation
determines DC modulation

FWF 2006-2010

P 22165 FWF Stand alone
DCs exposed to HIV-C: Key to better Vaccines?

FWF 2010-2013

P 24598 FWF Stand alone
HIV Infection and Transmission close to Reality

FWF 2012-2017

Doktoratskolleg (W11)
Molecular Cell Biology and Oncology
(MCBO), 4rd funding period
DC-iphering CR-mediated HIV-1
incorporation and effects on DC function

Med. Univ. Ibk

Austrian Biomimetic Center 3Rs (ABC3Rs)
MUI, MUG, BOKU collaborativ project

BMWFW 2017-2021


pfeil-klein.jpg Austrian State Prize for Alternative Research to Animal Experimentation, Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research, 2021
pfeil-klein.jpg Award 'Höchste Drittmitteleinwerbung einer wissenschaftlichen Mitarbeiterin der Medizinischen Universität Innsbruck' (Highest 3rd party funding of a female employee) 2013
pfeil-klein.jpg Award 'Preis der Landeshauptstadt Innsbruck' (Prize of the Capitol Innsbruck) 2012
pfeil-klein.jpg 'Austrian Microbiology 2008' Award
pfeil-klein.jpg Poster price 2007 at the congress of the Austrian society for Allergology and Immunology (ÖGAI)
pfeil-klein.jpg Hypo-Tirol-Bank Scientific Award 2005 of the Innsbruck Medical University
pfeil-klein.jpg Poster price 2004 at the congress of the Austrian society for Allergology and Immunology (ÖGAI)
pfeil-klein.jpg 2nd price winner at the European Contest for young scientists on protein purification 1999 in Paris, France



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Other activities


Founder of the C3RCI (Comprehensive 3Rs Center Innsbruck)


Congress President, OEGAI Annual Meeting 2016


Scientific Committee, EAACI 2016

2012 - 2016

ÖGAI Board member


