Current Tenders
MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowship at Eurac Research Call 2024, further information
EU: Digital Europe Programme (DEP) - new calls
further information
Horizon Europe - Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) calls 2024, further information
FWF: Zero Emissions Award, deadline: rolling; further information
FWF: Connecting Minds, deadline: 13.02.2025; further information
Ingrid zu Solms Wissenschaftspreis für Medizin, deadline: 01.03.2025; further information
FWF: doc.funds, deadline: 05.03.2025; further information
FFG: Digitale Transformation in der Mobilität & Rail4Climate 202, deadline: 12.03.2025; further information
FFG: Eurostars-3, deadline: 13.03.2025; further information
Tiroler Nachwuchsforscher*innen Förderung/Tyrolean Funding for Young Researchers 2025
The next call will be open from: 01.02.2025 - 15.03.2025
Further information:
EP PerMed (European Partnership for Personalised Medicine)
Fast Track Call to validate your TRL3 solution for Personalised Medicine (PM) approaches, deadline: 15.03.2025; further information
Venture Creator call for a learning-by-doing program for personalised medicine innovators, deadline: 13.03.2025; further information
EIT Health prepared the linked overview the calls:
FFG: Virtual worlds and digital solutions for health, deadline: 27.03.2025; 12:00 h; further information
FWF: Emerging Fields, deadline: 31.03.2025; further information
Theodor Körner Award 2025; deadline: 31.03.2025; further information and application
FFG: F&E Infrastrukturförderung, deadline: 02.04.2025; 12:00 h, further information
Aufruf zu Interessensbekundungen:
Deadline: 24.01.2025 (
FWF: Top Citizen Science, deadline: 08.04.2025; further information
Kardinal Innitzer Förderungspreise für Habilitationen, deadline: 30.04.2025; further information
Dr. Johannes und Hertha Tuba Foundation - new Calls 2025
Dr. Johannes und Hertha Tuba Pize 2025, deadline: 16.05.2025; further information
Dr. Joahnnes und Hertha Tuba Research Funding deadline: 16.05.2025, further information
Grants from the Dr. Johannes und Hertha Tuba Foundation 2025, Applications are possible on rolling basis; further information
Dr. Otto Seibert Science Funding Prize 2025, deadline: 16.05.2025; further information
Prize of the Brigitta Zollner Foundation 2025, deadline: 16.05.2025; further information
FFG: THCS Call 3 "Better care closer to home: Enhancing primary and community care", deadline: 19.06.2025, 14:00; further information
FFG: Internships for pupils - Four weeks in science and technology, deadline: 28.08.2025, 12:00 h, further information
FFG: COMET Zentren 2025, deadline: 18.11.2025; further information
FFG: "Austrian Life Sciences 2024 to 2026", deadline: 18.12.2026; further information
Further information
EDCTP Calls on Tuberculosis, Malaria & Tropical Diseases, further information
Junior Faculty Meetings in 2025 (open for all MUI staff)
07.04.2025 and 23.06.2025
at 16:30 in the Audimax hall, Fritz-Pregl-Str. 3
FFG Förderberatung, Further information for Tyrol
Webinare "Forschungsdatenmanagement in Österreich"
Austrian Micro Data Center in der Praxis, 01.04.2025, 10:00 - 11:00; registration
Open Science Festival, 08.-09.09.2025, University of Vienna, further information
10. Österreichischer Primärversorgerkongress - in Graz & online - 25.-26.09.2025 - Save the Date
Contacts in the research service and innovation department:
Contact for international programmes (especially EU):
Dr Wolfram Rieneck ( – Tel.: +43 (0)512 9003-70072)
Contact for national programmes (especially FWF, OeNB):
Dr Maria Pérez-Mediavilla ( – Tel.: +43 (0)512 9003-70073)
Contact for grant design, proof reading (FWF, ERC applications)
Dr. Graham Tebb ( - Tel.: 0043 (0)676 87 16 72622