



Internal Collaborations

We have several ongoing and past collaborations with research partners from the Medical University of Innsbruck.


CARS- and Raman- microscopy of neural cells

with Dr. Nadia Stefanova from the University Clinic of Neurology


Functional imaging of inner ear cells

with Prof. Anneliese Schrott-Fischer from the University Clinic of Otolaryngology.



Photodynamic Therapy and Diagnose (PDD/PDT) 

with Prof. Herwig Kostron at the University Clinic of Neurosurgery (more). 


Sleep Research Projects

with Dr. Stefan Telser at the University Clinic for Psychiatry and Prof. Birgit Högl at the University Clinic for Neurology (more).


Mechanical Properties of alveolar lung cells 

with Dr. Thomas Haller at the Division for Physiology and Prof. Paul Dietl, now at the University of Ulm (more).


Other interactions over the past years include: 

  • Chaostheory and ventricular fibrillations with Prof. Anton Amann at the University Clinic for Anaesthesia and Intensive Care Medicine 
  • Dose characterization for eye damage by UV radiation with the University Clinic for Ophthalmology
  • Spectral characterization of therapeutic radiation sources with the University Clinic of Dermatology and Venerology
  • Navigation Systems with Prof. Wolfgang Freysinger at the University Clinic of Otolaryngology
  • Ultrasound simulations and 3D-Reconstruction of CT images with the University Clinic of Radiology.