



FWF Open Access Block Grant

The FWF Open Access Block Grant will apply to all ongoing and newly approved FWF projects (PROFI and ad personam) from 1 January 2024 and will replace the previous "Peer-Reviewed Publications program ".

The Open Access Block Grant applies to peer-reviewed journal articles, contributions to edited volumes, etc., resulting in whole or in part from FWF-funded projects.

Exception: Publications arising from ad personam projects approved before March 1, 2023 can be paid from the project budget. The FWF rules also apply here.

Publication costs can be reimbursed up to 36 months after the end of the project or of the funding period.

There is no legal entitlement to this funding.

Requirements for funding:

The corresponding author must have a valid affiliation with the Medical University of Innsbruck. The corresponding author is the person who is the official contact for the publisher and is identified as such in the publication itself. If there are several corresponding authors from different research institutions, it must be clarified in advance where the application for funding will be submitted.

The articles must comply with the FWF's Open Access Policy.

The following Acknowledgement/Rights Retention Statement must be included in the publication upon submission:

„This research was funded in whole or in part by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) [grant DOI]. For open access purposes, the author has applied a CC BY public copyright license to any author accepted manuscript version arising from this submission. “

 „Diese Forschung wurde gänzlich oder teilweise durch den Wissenschaftsfonds FWF finanziert [Grant-DOI]. Zum Zweck des freien Zugangs hat der:die Autor:in für jedwede akzeptierte Manuskriptversion, die sich aus dieser Einreichung ergibt, eine „Creative Commons Attribution CC BY“-Lizenz vergeben.“

The grant doi is available in the FWF's Research Radar.

Eligible costs:

  • Costs (Article Processing Charges) for peer-reviewed publications published under a “CC BY” license in gold open access journals listed in the dictionary of open access journals DOAJ.

Invoice and accepted publication must be submitted online via GAR

Checklist for the submission in GAR

  • For publications that are published within the framework of transformative Open Access agreements - publishing agreements - the University and Provincial Library of Tyrol ULBT must be contacted in advance. The publication must be published under a "CC BY" license and without an embargo period.

University and Provincial Library of Tyrol | Department E-Media

Lisa Hofer, Tel: +43 (0) 512-507-31038

Erika Pörnbacher, Tel: +43 (0) 512-507-2405


  • Fees for diamond open access platforms and alternative Open Access publishing platforms, if the publications are published under a "CC BY" license and without an embargo period.

Invoice and accepted publication must be submitted online via GAR

Checklist for the submission in GAR

Non-eligible costs:

  • Costs for open access publications in subscription journals (hybrid open access) that are not part of transformative open access agreements - publishing agreements.
  • Other costs associated with publication that are not subject to open access (e.g. page charges, color charges, cover charges).
  • Reading access costs
  • Costs for publications with licenses other than the “CC BY” license
  • Open-access fees associated with peer-reviewed monographs, entire edited volumes, or entire Special Issues. These costs are still eligible for funding under the FWF’s Book Publications

Program-specific FAQ of the FWF for authors

For further information, please contact the Research Services and Innovation Department:

Dr. María T. Pérez Mediavilla
Tel.: +43 (0)512/9003-70073

Eva Mayrgündter
Tel: +43 (0)512/9003-71763