MUI Travel grants
Exchanges with other scientists and young researchers are of central importance for doctoral students. The Medical University of Innsbruck supports its doctoral students with travel grants to attend academic conferences and workshops, as well as short research stays with a duration of up to four weeks. The travel grant is paid as a lump sum to help with costs invested for taking part in national and international conferences, congresses or symposia. The amount of the lump sum is based on the respective conference venue or the destination of the short-term research stay. The following lump sums apply:
- Austria: max. 150 euros
- Europe: max. 400 euros
- Outside Europe: max. 800 euros
- Applicants must be registered as PhD students at MUI and in good academic standing.
- Applicants must be employed by the MUI for the entire duration of the trip
- Applicants may receive only one travel grant per academic year, and only one per conference.
- Students in FWF-supported programmes (IGDT, CBD, CavX) are not eligible.
- Selection criteria include the scientific excellence of the doctoral student as well as active participation at the conference (oral or poster presentation). For a short-term research stay, the doctoral student must provide evidence of the benefit to be gained by the research stay.
Grant applications must be submitted in GAR at least two weeks before the conference or the research stay at another research institution begins. Please use the following form.
Funding can be granted only for active participation in conferences. If you have not yet received confirmation of your presentation or your participation in the conference before our deadline expires, please submit your application to the FSI anyway, with a note that you will send the required documents as soon as they are available.
If you have received a grant, don’t forget to apply for approval of the trip (application for leave) before you start your journey. No grant will be paid if the trip has not been authorised.
Deadlines: 31st March, 30th June, 30th September and 31st December
Application documents for conference and workshop attendance:
The documents listed below must be enclosed with applications for conferences and workshops:
- Application for a travel allowance
- Covering letter from the applicant, including information about active participation in the event.
- Statement from the PhD supervisor, explaining why the conference/workshop is essential for the PhD project of the applicant (use this form).
- Statement from the thesis committee about the course of the dissertation
- CV (including list of publications)
- Budget explanation (any additional funding for your travel must be mentioned; otherwise an explanation of your supervisor is necessary why the travel costs are not financed at all or partially from existing third-party funds)
- Event documentation (programme, abstract acceptance etc.)
- Application for leave
Application documents for research stays:
The documents listed below must be enclosed with applications for research stays:
- Application for a travel allowance
- Covering letter from the applicant, including information about the research stay
- Invitation letter from the host institution
- Statement from the PhD supervisor, explaining why this research stay is essential for the PhD project of the applicant (use this form)
- Statement from the thesis committee about the course of the dissertation
- CV (including list of publications)
- Budget explanation (any additional funding for your travel must be mentioned; otherwise an explanation of your supervisor is necessary why the travel costs are not financed at all or partially from existing third-party funds).
- Application for leave
Please note that in case of approval, all receipts must be sent to the HR department ( together with the following form
Dr. Maria Perez Mediavilla
Research Services and Innovation
Tel.: +43 512 9003 70073
Dr. Maria Perez Mediavilla
Research Services and Innovation
Tel.: +43 512 9003 70073