



International Programs

Multilateral project funding

Multilateral project funding refers to all projects which are supported within the framework of transnational, often thematically related calls for proposals which involve at least three countries.

In 2009, the FWF approved funding for a total of 29 projects within the framework of multilateral project funding, 23 of them in six ERA-Net calls and six in three EUROCORES calls.

For six further EUROCORES projects, funding decisions must be coordinated with partner organizations.

Bilateral project funding

In 2009, the FWF substantially expanded its activities in the field of bilateral research cooperation.

The possibility of submitting proposals with partners from Germany and Switzerland under the DACH Lead Agency Procedure was used intensively.

The FWF’s first joint call for proposals with ANR (Agence National de la Recherche, France) was carried out within the subject areas of physics, chemistry and mathematics.

Networks and infrastructure

In 2009, the FWF decided to take part in 19 new ESF Research Networking Programs. Through these programs, the FWF finances Austria’s participation in a total of 50 research networks.

Joint seminars are part of bilateral agreements with selected partner organizations and mainly serve the purpose of initiating bilateral cooperation projects.

In the course of intensifying its joint activities with partner organizations, the FWF approved eight joint seminars for Austrian scholars with researchers from Russia, Taiwan, Japan; Korea and Thailand.