


Presidential Team

The Presidential Team of the Medical University of Innsbruck (from left): Univ.-Prof. Dr. W. Wolfgang Fleischhacker (Rector), Christine Bandtlow (Executive Vice President for Research and International Affairs), ao. Univ.- Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Prodinger, MME (Executive Vice President for Teaching and Student Affairs) and Birgit Hochenegger-Stoirer, BA, LL.M (Executive Vice President for Finance, Legal Affairs and Digitalization), (c) David Bullock.

The tasks of the presidential team are regulated in the Federal Act on the Organisation of Universities and their Studies (Universities Act 2002-UG) [in German] in Art 22:

(1) The presidential team shall manage the university and shall represent it. It shall be responsible for all matters not assigned to other governing bodies by this Act. Its tasks shall, in particular, include:

1. preparing a draft statute as well as drafts of changes to the statute for submission to the senate;

2. preparing a university development plan for submission to the senate and the university council;

3. preparing a university organisation plan for submission to the senate and the university council;

4. preparing a draft performance agreement and development agreement for submission to the university council;

5. appointing and dismissing the heads of organisational units;

6. concluding target agreements with the heads of organisational units;

7. assignment of the university staff members (Art. 94 Par 1 Lines 2-6) to the individual organization units;

8. admitting students;

9. collection of the legally-mandated student fees;

9a. determining the course fees pursuant to Art. 91 par. 7;

10. initiating evaluations and publication of the results thereof;

11. awarding license to teach (venia docendi);

12. establishing and discontinuing study programmes, giving opinions on curricula, prohibiting curricula or changes thereto, if they do not comply with the development plan or if they are not feasible, or, if an expert opinion which has been commissioned by the rectorate and prepared based on internationally recognized scientific criteria concludes that the content of the curriculum is not sufficient regarding the scientific and artistic pre-professional training and the qualification for professional activities that require the application of scientific and artistic knowledge and methods; discontinuing a study programme or prohibiting a curriculum or changes thereto as well as commissioning an expert opinion shall take place in agreement with the senate, wherever possible;

13. establishing an accounting and reporting system;

14. preparing a draft budget for submission to the university council and allocating budgets;

14a. forwarding the draft budget to the senate for its information;

15. preparing the financial statements and the intellectual capital report;

16. enacting regulations for the granting of authorisations to employees of the university according to Art. 28 par. 1;

17. establishing a planning and reporting system which guarantees the fulfilment of the reporting obligations by the universities according to the legal provisions and the directives of the Federal Minister of Finance on the establishment of a share and finance controlling.

(2) The presidential team shall superintend all organisational units of the university . The presidential team may remit decisions by other governing bodies with the exception of the decisions of the university council if in its opinion these decisions are in conflict with the laws or decrees including the university statute. In cases of major importance, the presidential team shall inform the university council.

(3) The presidential team shall consist of the rector and up to four vice-rectors. In determining the composition of the rectorate, care shall be taken to ensure that its members possess the necessary scientific as well as managerial and administrative capabilities.

(3a) Both, the president and the university council

shall apply Art. 11 par. 2 clause 3 of the Federal Act on Equal Treatment in the Public Service by analogy when suggesting or electing vice-rectors. The presidential team shall therefore consist of at least 40% women. If the required women's quota is not met, the working group on equal opportunities can raise an objection against the incorrect composition

(4) The president shall be the chairperson and spokesperson of the presidential team.

(5) The presidential team shall resolve by simple majority, except insofar as its rules of procedure provide otherwise. In the case of a tie, the rector shall have the casting vote.

(6) The presidential team shall enact rules of procedure, which shall require the approval of the university council and shall be published in the university gazette. The rules of procedure shall establish the responsibilities under par. 1 to be assumed by individual members of the rectorate, the responsibilities to be assumed by two members and the responsibilities to be assumed collectively by all members of the presidential team. Decisions relating to financial matters must in any case be taken by at least two members of the presidential team. The rules of procedure shall also determine the right to represent the university.

(7) The members of the presidential team shall not be bound by any instructions or commissions in the exercise of this function (Art 81c par. 1 Federal Constitutional Law), neither shall the vice-rectors be bound by any instructions of the president. The members of the presidential teamshall be obliged to perform its tasks with due care.