


Events (Archive)


  • World Bioethics Day 2023, Event on 12th October 2023, from 16:00 - 18:45 h on; Program (German)
  • Interdisziplinary ring lecture on ethics & reproductive medicine, 24 - 27 April 2023, Program (German)
  • Bioethics excursion to Israel, 26 March - 6 April 2023, Folder
  • 15th World Conference on Bioethics, Medical Ethics and Health Law, International Chair in Bioethics, 16. - 19. Oktober 2023, Porto,Portugal. Website.


  • BIOETHICS - EFFECTS and SIDE EFFECTS, 15 years ethucation, 17th November 2022, 16 h, Innrain 80, M01470/490, Innsbruck. (German) Folder
  • Bioethics Excursion Israel 18th -28th April 2022, Folder
  • 14th World Conference on Bioethics, Medical Ethics & Health Law, International Chair in Bioethics, 7th - 10th March 2022, Porto, Portugal
  • Stühlinger V. (2022), Informed Consent in the Area of Medical Research, Universität Innsbruck/ELSI, Austria, Summer School 2022 01.-06.08.2022; 04.08.2022.
  • Stühlinger, V – Moderation (2022): Diskussion zum Vortrag von Saskia Nagel: Entscheidungsunterstützung in der Medizin durch Big Data und „KI“, UMIT TIROL, Hall/Tyrol, Austria, WuV; 27.06.2022.
  • Stühlinger, V. – Moderation (2022):: Diskussion zur Filmvorführung: David Bernet, Democracy – Im Rausch der Daten: Leo Kino, Innsbruck, Austria, WuV; 09.06.2022.
  • Werner-Felmayer G, Stühlinger V (2022), Informed Consent in Electronic Health Records (EHR) for A.I. Algorithm Training, Online Lecture, Data Ethics Winter School, University of Leiden 24.-28.01.2022; 25.01.2022


Online Event "Pflicht zur Impfung? Pflicht zu Fakten!" mit Gabriele Werner-Felmayer, Barbara Friesenecker and Markus Frischhut, 09.12.2021.



  • Film & discussion: Gestorben wird morgen, 22 October 2020, 18:00 h, Leokino, Anichstr. 36, Innsbruck.
  • World Bioethics Day 2020: Robolove - Film & Discussion 19 October 2020, 18:00 h, Leokino 1, Anichstr. 36, Innsbruck; Workshop with director Maria Arlamovsky, 20 October 2020, 10:00 - 11:30 h (CCB, M01.490, Innrain 80; in German) (shifted from April 2020).
  • Ethik in der Medizin – noch wichtiger in Krisenzeiten (Ethics in medicine - even more important in times of crisis, course 103528, June 2020)
  • WuV Discussion Wenn's hart auf hart kommt - Medizin und Ethik in Pandemiezeiten (When things get tough - medicine and ethics in pandemics; in German) 17 June 2020 (online). Barbara Friesenecker, Georg Gasser, Gabriele Werner-Felmayer. Moderation: Siegfried Walch.
  • Interdisciplinary ring lecture on reproduction (course 999516), summer term 2020, Folder
  • Bioethics Excursion to Israel 1-11 March 2020, Folder
  • Lecture & discussion "Treating children during low intensity conflicts: Lessons from Jerusalem", Eitan Kerem (Jerusalem). Wednesday, 22 January 2020, 16:30 - 18:00 h, lecture hall, Kinder-Herz-Zentrum (ground floor, 5-G0-109), Anichstraße 35, Innsbruck
  • WuV Discussion "Wieviel Selbstbestimmung ist noch gesund? Medizin zwischen Fürsorge und (Selbst-)Verantwortung" (How much autonomy is still healthy? Medicine betwenn care and (self-)responsibility), Barbara Friesenecker, Michael Ganner, Georg Gasser, Elisabeth Medicus. Moderation: Gabriele Werner-Felmayer. Thursday, 16 January 2020, 19:00 h, Stadtbibliothek (city library), Amraser Straße 2, 1st floor (in German)
  • 14th World Conference on Bioethics, Medical Ethics & Health Law, UNESCO Chair in Bioethics, May 11-14, 2020, Porto, Portugal (shifted to March 8 - 11, 2021)
  • 2019

  • World Bioethics Day 2019, Workshop, "Respect for Cultural Diversity and Pluralism" in the health arena, 18 October 2019, 14 - 17 h, CCB, M01.470, Innrain 80/I, Innsbruck
  • Seminar "Bioethics in Medicine" & Bioethics Excursion to Israel 1-11 March 2020, Folder, First meeting on 9 October 2019, 17 h, CCB, M01.392, Innrain 80/I, Innsbruck
  • Lecture and panel discussion "End of life practices around the world with an emphasis on physician-assistance in dying", Charles Sprung (Jerusalem), Barbara Friesenecker (Innsbruck), Thomas Frühwald (Vienna). Moderation: Michael Ganner (Innsbruck). 28 May 2019, 16:00 - 18:00 h, Lecture Hall 2 (Neuro), FKK 3-G0-115, Anichstr. 35, Innsbruck. We also organize two Workshops with Charles Sprung: Workshop I, Medical Ethics Education, 28 May 2019, 13:30 - 15::00 h and Workshop II, Ethical Decision Making in the ICU, 29 May 2019, 13:30 - 15:00 h. Both Workshops in Seminar Room 2, Medizinzentrum Anichstraße, MZA 1-U1-061, Anichstraße 35, Innsbruck. The Austrian Medical Association provides education credits for all clinical specialities (ID 650390). Selected publications regarding the events here.


  • Bioethics excursion to Israel, 1 - 11 April 2019, Folder (in German); postponed to 2020
  • Unesco Chair in Bioethics (Haifa), 13th World Conference on Bioethics, Medical Ethics and Health Law, 27-29 November 2018, Jerusalem
  • KEK Impulse and Discussion on vaccination (in German): „Impfen lassen oder nicht?“ Eine individuelle Entscheidung?, 15. November 2018, 17 h, Medizin Zentrum Anichstraße, Hörsaal 1 (1-G0-144), Anichstraße 35, Innsbruck
  • World Bioethics Day 2018, lecture & panel discussion "Solidarity & Health", 18 October 2018, 4 - 6:45 pm; and Workshop Bioethics Austria, 19 October 2018, 9 a.m. - 2 p.m., CCB, Innrain 80, M01.470 (1st floor) (in German)
  • Lecture "Understanding decision making in genomic healthcare", Erin Turbitt, National Human Genome Research Institute, NIH, Bethesda, MD, USA, 12 September 2018, 16:15h, seminar room 2/35, Peter-Mayer-Str. 1 (Cooperation with Division of Human Genetics)
  • Lecture "The New Science of Emotions: Critical-Historical Reflections on the Origins of a New Science". Otniel Dror, The Hebrew University Medical Faculty, Jerusalem, 23 May 2018, 17 h, CCB (room M01.392, 1st floor)
  • WuV Man & Machine (Mensch & Maschine) at Wissensdurst Festival Innsbruck, 23-25 April 2018, 7 pm, Brennpunkt coffee competence, Viaduktbogen 46-48 (in German)
  • Interdisciplinary ring lecture on "Interventions: reproduction as technical, social and cultural experiment", 17 - 19 April 2018, 2 - 6:30 pm, CCB (M01.392, 1st floor), Program (in German)
  • Bioethics excursion to Israel, 19 - 29 March 2018, Folder (in German)
  • Lecture "Learning to care for end of life patients: Inter-professional education is key". Dorith Shaham, Hadassah Medical Center, Jerusalem, 30 January 2018, 17 h, CCB (room M01.392, 1st floor)


  • WuV lecture: Solidarity - old hat or new way for medical and health policy? Barbara Prainsack, University of  Vienna, 30 November 2017, 18 h, CCB (room M01.490, first floor) (in German)
  • Clinical Ethics Circle (KEK) lecture: Medicine and care in the conflicting areas of patients' wellbeing, health economy and personal drive for success, Georg Marckmann, LMU München, 15. November 2017, 18 h, Main lecture hall Frauen - Kopfklinik, Anichstraße 35 (in German)
  • Information meeting on Bioethics Excursion Israel 2018, 24 October 2017, 5 pm, CCB, 4th floor, M04.383
  • World Bioethics Day 2017: lecture & discussion "The usefulness of medical interventions as a decision criterion for fair distribution", Claudia Wild, LBI HTA Wien, 18 October, 5 pm, HS MZA, Anichstraße 35 (in German)
  • World Bioethics Day 2017: film "I, Daniel Blake" & discussion 10 October, 17:45, Leokino Anichstraße 36
  • Science and Responsibility (WuV) lecture: EU - the Ethical Union? The role of ethics and morals in the European Union, M. Frischhut, 31 May 2017, 6 pm, MCI (in German)
  • Interdisciplinary ring lecture on reproduction as technical, social and cultural experiment (in German), 22 - 24 May 2017
  • UNESCO Chair in Bioethics 12th World Conference BIOETHICS, MEDICAL ETHICS & HEALTH LAW, Limassol, Cyprus, March 21-23, 2017
  • Science and Responsibility (WuV) Discussion: Well cared for? Health of and for people with refugee experience. 17 January 2017, 7 pm, Aula, University of Innsbruck (in German)




  • Bioethics excursion Israel, 17 - 25 March 2014. Infofolder


  • 19-21 November 2013, 9th International Conference on "Bioethics, Medical Ethics & Health Law", Naples, organised by UNESCO Chair in Bioethics (IL). Conference Homepage
  • 23 February - 3 March 2013, Bioethcs exursion 2013. Folder


  • 15 -16 November 2012, Dr. Oren Asman, workshop: "Ethical Decision Making", Teach the teacher - faculty training. Cooperation with MCI.
  • 7 November 2012, Information Bioethics Excursion to Israel (23 February - 3 March 2013); 16:00,  M01.392, Innrain 80-82. More information. Folder (German)
  • 2 -5 September 2012, International Conference on "BIOETHICS EDUCATION: Contents, Methods, Trends", Kinar, Israel, organised by UNESCO Chair in Bioethics (IL). Conference Homepage
  • 19 -30 March 2012, Interdisziplinary Bioethics-excursion to Israel: Report (in German)


  • 16 November 2011, film and discussion on medicine during NS times: "Wenn Ärzte töten" (When doctors kill), English with German subtitles, Fritz-Pregl-Straße 3, Hörsaal 1 (1. UG), 7:45 p.m. In cooperation with WuV. More information
  • 27 -29 October 2011, Symposium Genetics as Culture in a Consumerist Age, Innsbruck, Folder. Artwork & Performance Con'Sequences. Book based on results from the Symposium: Genetics as Social Practice (eds. B. Prainsack, S. Schicktanz, G. Werner-Felmayer), Ashgate 2014
  • 23 - 30 May 2011, International Conference and Courses on Bioethics, Singapore, organised by UNESCO Chair in Bioethics (IL) and Indonesia Health Law Society. Conference Information
  • 29 March 29 2011, 5:00 pm, Prof. Dr. Amnon Carmi, UNESCO Chair in Bioethics, Director of the International Center for Health, Law and Ethics, University Haifa, Haifa, Israel: The UNESCO method of Ethics Education in Medical Schools. Information
  • 30 March 2011, 10:30 - 12:00 am, Prof. Dr. Amnon Carmi, UNESCO Chair in Bioethics, Director of the International Center for Health, Law and Ethics, University Haifa, Haifa, Israel: Practical Bioethics: what is it about? Seminar for students and faculty. Information


  • 12 October 2010, 18 h c.t., Institute für Christian Philosophy, University Innsbruck: Dr. Carmel Shalev (Ethicist, Tel Aviv), Lecture: "Market Eugenics or Ethic of Care? Reflections on Repro-Genetic Medical Technology". More
  • 14. October 2010, Workshop “Bioethics Mediation”, Dr. Carmel Shalev. More
  • 14. April 2010, Workshop „Die Angst vor der Ethik: Teach the Teacher“. More

Austrian Unit of the Network of Institutions for Medical Ethics Education


ao.Univ.-Prof. Dr. Gabriele Werner-Felmayer

Tel.: +43 (0)512/9003-70341
Fax: +43 (0)512/9003-73110

Innrain 80-82
A-6020 Innsbruck

Sie finden uns hier.



Infofolder Ethucation

Infofolder Ethucation


ao.Univ.-Prof. Dr. Gabriele Werner-Felmayer

Tel.: +43 (0)512/9003-70341
Fax: +43 (0)512/9003-73110

Innrain 80-82
A-6020 Innsbruck

Sie finden uns hier.



Infofolder Ethucation

Infofolder Ethucation