Research stays abroad by scientists from MUI
Contacts for planning research stays abroad:
Subject |
Responsibility |
Leave of Absence |
Office for staff law, staff development and the advancement of women |
Approval by the Vice Principal of Research and International Affairs If a research stay abroad takes place as part of a research project proposal, approval must be obtained from the head of the OE and the Vice Principal of Research and International Affairs, before the proposal is submitted. This is especially important if continued remuneration is planned. |
Research Service and Innovation |
Interruption of teaching activities With regard to the interruption of teaching activities, the office of the Vice Principal for Teaching and Student Affairs must be informed in good time (by no later than 30th June for courses in the following winter semester, or by no later than 30th November for courses in the following summer semester). |
Teaching and Studies Organizations |
Qualification agreement for holders of qualification positions In cases where the agreed scope of teaching cannot be achieved, owing to a research stay abroad, it is recommended to obtain the approval of the Principal in advance.
Office for staff law, staff development and the advancement of women |
Visa, residence permit, travel insurance The scientists concerned must take care of such matters for themselves. Information about visas and residence permits is usually available on the homepage of the foreign embassies. |
Researchers |
For general enquiries please contact: Dr María T. Pérez Mediavilla (E-mail: