


Logo Hygiene EN

Hospital Hygiene and Technical Hygiene         

Monday - Thursday   08:00 -14:30
Friday                        08:00 -12:00

Dear visitor!
It is the task of hospital hygiene to detect and analyze nosocomial (i.e. acquired in the hospital) infections, and to work out preventive activities to formulate them into practically realizable guidelines and to observe their compliance.
Investigations of hospital hygiene and consulting of all Tyrolean health institutions are the main responsibilities of our work.
Regularly performed controls of hygiene as well as personal consulting shall warrant a closer infectiologic and microbiologic support and contribute to further limitation of nosocomial infections. The legislative body prescribes among others the formulation of specific hygiene plans, in which the single activities are described:

standard-hygiene activities like hand hygiene, dealing with drugs, dealing with medicine products, cleaning, disinfection and sterilization
hygiene during medical and custodial activities
detection and surveillance of nosocomial infections
activities  upon occurrence of infectious diseases and of multiresistant pathogens, management of outbreaks
surveillance  of water supply and of air condition
revision of disinfection and sterilization machines
microbiological investigations of drugs, medicine products, and environment

The domain hospital hygiene and technical hygiene mainly deals with the performance of investigations and revisions that are prescribed by the legislative body (see performance catalogue).
Further tasks are reviews of hospital hygiene for public and other authorities.
Our staff of hospital and technical hygiene is involved in the performance of lectures for students of human and dental medicine and for trainees of non-doctoral health professions and co-operates in advanced trainings for employees in public health care.


Aufbereitung von Ultraschallsonden, ÖGSV Empfehlung E 14, April 2021


Robert Koch Institut
Österreichische Agentur für Gesundheit und Ernährungssicherheit (AGES)
Bundesministerium für Soziales, Gesundheit, Pflege und Konsumentenschutz
Österreichische Gesellschaft für Hygiene, Mikrobiologie und Präventivmedizin
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Krankenhaushygiene

Hygiene und Medizinische Mikrobiologie


Petra Volgger

Tel:  +43 512 9003-70792
Fax: +43 512 9003-73700


Schöpfstr. 41/2. Stock
A-6020 Innsbruck

Find us here.


TEAM Hospital Hygiene and Technical Hygiene

Further training
16th Further training for the ÖÄK Diploma in Hospital Hygiene, part 3, 13 to 14 March 2025
Application form
Detail information you find here.


Petra Volgger

Tel:  +43 512 9003-70792
Fax: +43 512 9003-73700


Schöpfstr. 41/2. Stock
A-6020 Innsbruck

Find us here.


TEAM Hospital Hygiene and Technical Hygiene

Further training
16th Further training for the ÖÄK Diploma in Hospital Hygiene, part 3, 13 to 14 March 2025
Application form
Detail information you find here.