



Informationen zu Tutorials, Elective subjects, Clinical traineeship, Diploma theses and dissertations

The teaching activities include lectures for medical students and nursing students. The general surgery internship and clinical traineeships at the University Hospital provide insight into the diagnosis of surgical diseases, the management of surgical emergencies and the outpatient, inpatient and intensive care of surgical patients. The student care is designed to be as practical as possible. For interested students, additional courses, participation in scientific studies, and the writing of a diploma thesis or dissertation are offered.


Textbook for Surgery Script for the surgery lecture of all modules (Skin & Mucous Membranes, Oncology, Nutrition & Digestion, Surgical Subjects & Anesthesia)

Blog of the FoBiCH (Advanced Training Academy)

Blog D. Öfner

Elective subjects

Sewing & Knotting courses for students from the 6th semester

The courses take place continuously during the lecture period, each Monday from 15.00 to 17.00.
Assoz. Prof. Priv.Doz. Dr. Florian Augustin
Course location: Practice room of the learning center surgery, building 8, ground floor (8-G0-544)
Registration by phone or mail: :
Tel: 0512/504-80439
A registration is binding, in case of unexcused absence on the first day of the course you will be blocked for two semesters.

Courses in anastomosis - Requirement: at least 1 course day of the sewing & knotting course

Registration for the anastomosis courses at i-med-inside.

Clinical traineeship

We offer students the opportunity to complete a clinical traineeship at our university hospital.

We are also happy to give this opportunity to interested parties from abroad, provided we have free capacity. 
To register for a clinical traineeship, simply write an e-mail to Mrs.Marion Körber. If you are not enrolled at the University of Innsbruck, you need a confirmation from your home university, if we have an agreement with it, with the following content.

In case of a positive decision for your clinical traineeship at MUI, please send the completed contract templateto Mrs.Marion Körber immediately. Please send the proof of vaccination and the obligatory clinical traineeship letter by e-mail to Mrs. Marion Körber at least 1 month before you start your clinical traineeship. Please proceed in the same way with the data protection declaration.

This way you can get your employee card on the first day of work.

The original of the vaccination certificate and the compulsory clinical traineeship letter for students who are not enrolled at the University of Innsbruck must be presented at the start of employment.

Tips for clinical trainees

KPJ - clinical practical year

If you are interested in a KPJ place at VTT surgery, please send your request to

Students from EU countries who would like to come to the Medical University/University Clinics Innsbruck with ERASMUS, please contact the office for:

International Relations of the Medical University of Innsbruck 
Mrs. Monika Schlager

►  Tips for the KPJ
►  Training plan KPJ/surgical subjects

Diploma theses and dissertations

We pay special attention to the supervision of diploma theses. The seeds of the concept that has been implemented for years, namely to inspire students for surgery and thus to secure the next generation of surgeons via diploma theses, research laboratory (also as post-doc), PhD studies (also part-time) up to the staff member of VTT, are sown. It is our greatest interest to attract well-trained, academic surgeons to VTT.

Therefore, if you are interested in a diploma thesis with a surgical topic, you will find currently advertised projects and the corresponding contact persons in our diploma thesis exchange

This link takes you to the registration form for diploma theses of the Department of Teaching and Academic Affairs of the Medical University of Innsbruck.

In principle, a diploma thesis should include a retrospective clinical examination, which should form the basis for a possible subsequent PhD study and ultimately lead to a habilitation.

A validated documentation system (ChiBASE of VTT is available for the diploma thesis, which offers all criteria for a "Registry embedded Clinical Trial" (auditability) and thus has the highest evidence to be achieved in health care research. For dissertations and habilitations we can additionally use laboratories of basic research (DSL and TKFI)

If you are interested in one of the topics, please contact the respective supervisor by e-mail. The name of the supervisor is linked to the respective e-mail address.

Thesis and dissertation exchange

Univ.-Klinik für Visceral-, Transplantations- und Thoraxchirurgie