


MUI START Symposium

 MUI-START Symposium

The MUI-START symposium has become a fixed date in the event calendar of the Medical University of Innsbruck.

The PIs of all ongoing or recently completed MUI-START projects present their results during this event in form of oral and  / or poster presentations. This symposium also represents an ideal occasion for the referees to evaluate the progress achieved by the MUI-START project holders in their respective projects.

All MUI researchers are most welcome to join the MUI-START Symposium!

The last MUI-START symposium took place on 10 December 2018 in the Centre of Chemistry and Biomedicine (CCB). The program and abstract book of the 7th MUI-START symposium can be found here.


6th MUI-START symposium (link)

5th MUI-START symposium (link)

4th MUI-START symposium (link)

3th MUI-START symposium (link)

2nd MUI-START symposium (link)

1st MUI-START symposium (link)