Gender Medicine as a Compulsory Subject
At the Medical University of Innsbruck Gender Medicine is offered in the compulsory as well as the optional courses. The compulsory courses cover the fundamentals of Gender Medicine and impart the following content:
- methodological competence in Gender
- Gender and anamnesis
- Gender-appropriate physician-patient talk
- Gender and research
- Gender and medical education
- overview of Gender Medicine-relevant differences in various disciplines
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Gender Medicine is currently a compulsory part of the following study programs:
- Human and Dental Medicine
- Molecular Medicine, Bachelor’s Degree
- Molecular Medicine, Master’s Degree
- PhD program in Clinical Medical Sciences
Human and Dental Medicine
Gender Medicine in the Third Semester (Module 2.38)
Module 2.38 Gender Medicine I is compulsory for all third-semester students. It is one hour per week for the semester and its exam is included in KMP 3A. The course presents the fundamentals and the history of this young medical discipline.
- definition of terms
- sex-specific prejudices in diagnostics
- different effects of pharmacentical products
- nursing
- and much more
Gender Medicine in the Tenth Semester (Module 3.25)
Module 3.25 Gender Medicine II is compulsory for all tenth-semester students. It is one hour per week for the semester and its exam is included in KMP 6B. This course deepens students’ Gender Medicine practice and in addition to the lecture also includes a practical exercise, where students take a patient’s anamnesis using the gender-sensitive anamnesis questionnaire drawn up in the pilot project Anamnesis and Gender.
- Gender-sensitive physician-patient talks
- interculturality and diversity
- Gender mainstreaming in medicine
- taking a Gender-sensitive anamnesis
Gender Medicine in the Main Lecture on Internal Medicine
The lecture on Gender Medicine in the framework of the main lecture Internal Medicine presents Gender Medicine aspects of this discipline.
Molecular Medicine
Since the 2011/2012 fall semester, Molecular Medicine has been offered as a degree program at the Medical University of Innsbruck. This thus makes it possible to concentrate on theoretical medicine and basic research right from the start of your studies. The master’s degree program in this discipline started in 2014/2015.
Bachelor’s Degree Program (BMM 3.2)
Third-semester students learn the fundamentals and definitions of Gender Medicine, sex-specific prejudices in diagnostics, various effects of pharmaceutical products in men* and women* as well as the history and the current status quo of this young, medical discipline.
Master’s Degree Program (MMM 6.1)
The Master’s module Gender Medicine concentrates on methods and scientific standards of Gender Medicine research. The course content covers the integration of gender-specific perspectives into research design, literature analysis and the interpretation of data.
PhD Program in Medicine and Clinical Medical Sciences
The PhD program in clinical medicine started in the 2011/2012 fall semester. Four years later Gender Medicine as an optional course was also incorporated into the PhD program. In the compulsory seminars Gender Medicine in Science and Research (Gender Medizin in Wissenschaft und Forschung) the seminar participants learn how to integrate gender-specific aspects and issues into research design, how to critically analyze the current research status quo of their discipline as well as how to understandably and convincingly communicate the results of their research to their peers and the scientific community. The make-up of the seminars is as follows:
- how to deal with Gender Medicine professionally
- definition of the subject and how to elaborate the research concept
- reflection on research progress
- presentation of results in the seminar
- public lecture, poster presentation or peer-reviewed article
Further information:
Compulsory Courses in Gender Medicine
Optional Courses in Gender Medicine and Diversity